domenica 12 luglio 2020

The Beatus Tarnoviensis

In this blog I showed during the years my evolution in style and writing. My final work is the so called Beato Tarnovienes; it is a manuscript written in Visigothic script with paintings in the same style as in the original Beati of the past. It was in effect a manuscript written by Beato de Liebana in VII Century in Spain, and then copied several times, It was offciali called Commentarius de Apocalipsis.

My aim was to write again - after 8 century a - a manuscript all in Visigothis script and illuminate it.
I give you here my link to go directly to my blog (written in Italian and therefore not very researched)

and here an example of a page of this manuscript written with the particular Visigothic script and with in in the center the Agnus Dei i,e. God's Lamb

Michele Savasta Fiore de Pactis