venerdì 27 ottobre 2017

Italian Herbal - Manuscript Vermont: The making of a page

I wanted to show the complete making of a page, from a very beginning. The initial page is a white A4 sheet that I put into a moisture of coffee and water and then dried. The effect is a old leaf of pergamen.

On it I draw the imagines, after studying where to place them in accordance to the needed text.

After this first operation I added some details

After details I drew the lines for limiting the text, also in order to give some harmony to the ensemble.

Then I wrote the text (and I also did some red stains....)

After the text I started to paint the flowers

And finally the result:

Here bottom a detail:

Here a comparation between the copy XXI Century and the Original Manuscript XVI Century

                  XXI CENTURY                                                                         XV CENTURY

(All paintings by Michele L. SAVASTA FIORE)

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